Sunday, June 15, 2014

Adventurous Living - or Lessons in Saying "Yes!"

This month has been one long lesson in adventurous living! I must preface this with: I have no idea what I'm doing. "The only thing you really need to know is that you really know nothing." - True!!! (These are words of wisdom from an unbelievably cool friend).

I've accepted a job. It's the last job I ever thought I'd have and the first job I'd ever choose at this exact time. They pursued me, they trust me, they want me to be at this school. I am blessed.

I put effort and time into building and fostering relationships - finally. I've lived in this city for almost a year now, and thinking I would soon be leaving I did not invest enough valuable time into others around me. Now, since I've made plans to stay, I am beginning to value my relationships and my surroundings - thank the Lord, it's about time. I was tired of feeling sad. Having strong bonds with the people and the things around you allow a person to grow deep roots, and that is what I want. I've always said that I want to have as many homes as possible, and then I will know that I have lived a full life. I am on the way to making this place one of them.

I went on a freaking date - scary, yes, successful, debatable, but the point is that I went. When is the last time that happened??

I found a roommate, and we found a townhome that we like, and will hopefully be able to make everything official tomorrow. You know, it is always difficult to know what might be the best thing to do, the best job to take, the best home to rent. Sometimes you just have to make choices. I could easily talk myself out of this one - the outside doesn't look nice enough, the neighborhood isn't wealthy, the area around it isn't super built up - but the truth is that I will have what I need. And for that, I am thankful.

Things are looking up, friends. Sometimes saying "Yes" is enough to turn anything around.