Monday, February 24, 2014

Magic in the Making

Little did I know when I made my New Years Resolution how wonderfully and tragically prophetic it would be.
Thus far in 2014, I have said goodbye to friends and family on the east coast and packed my bags to move to San Diego, California - then, within 12 hours subsequently unpacked my bags and said "hello, again" to those same friends. I have applied and interviewed for several jobs, been offered a few, turned down some, got one job (without understanding that I had the job), been told I could start, and that I could start, and that I could start (and still couldn't start), found out my paperwork was lost, started another part-time job, auditioned, was cast, and began rehearsing for a play, found out my paperwork was found, attended a new substitute teacher orientation, showed up for my first day of subbing, and was told to go back home. I have made friends, lost friends, remembered friends, enjoyed spending time with family, been driven crazy by spending a LOT of time with family, and been thankful in each and every moment. If I had any idea what was going to come next, I would surely tell you - and if you have any idea what is going to come next, I surely hope that you would tell me.

This seems to be a season of patience. Or, perhaps, impatience at times.... often, maybe. But it is also a season of growth - the kind of growth that happens underground, before you see the seed turn into a sprout, turn into a flower. I am the seed in the fertile soil, buzzing and pulsing with energy and light, preparing for the emergence into the big, bright world that lies ahead. And, I have a feeling, it is going to take a big push to get me to begin. But right now, all focus lies on the Magic in the Making.

Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
[Isaiah 40:28]

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