Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Closing Night

It seems surreal that this entire semester has come to a close. And not only that, but my entire college career - my life up to this point, it has all led up to this day, and what is past is past. Isn't that bizarre?

I'd like to call this Closing Night. Every show must begin, and every show must come to an end, because what is forever is not what is treasured. Rather, those things that are but fleeting - those are what make us who we are. These moments that impact our lives in an earth-shifting sort of way, that change the shape of our eyes, change the movement of the air through our lungs, those are the moments that matter.

And we, indeed, are the lucky ones.

I have a hard time finding the words to say to summarize this experience. Today was a beautiful day. From the first tear-filled "hello" to the last tear-filled "good-bye," I will never run short on my list of "Reasons To Be Thankful."

I've been thinking for a while about what to leave you with in this blog - I began to type some quotes from the letters I received, but ended up feeling that they were too personal, too sweet, too close to home. The things these sweet hearts said, that the took the time to think through and write down, and ultimately to give - to me - it just fills and breaks my heart. We must remember that everyone has a story - their own story, a unique story, filled with heartbreak and joy, with struggles and victories. And every story - every story - is a love story. And if it's not, then it's just not yet. My story - our stories - this story - is most certainly a love story, and I never knew I could love so much. I never knew time could pass so quickly.

And so, where to go from here?

Every story is a love story.
Measure your life in love.

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