Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Idleness is my enemy

Praxis Updates: So far I'm 2 for 2 - passed the PLT 7-12 exam!! The last test is a week from Thursday. Here we goooo!

Additionally, it has come to my attention that I only have six days remaining in the classroom, and I am both confused and horrified at this realization. I am also unsure of how to approach this situation. We are transitioning back to my co-op teacher leading all lessons, and that's really weird, because I just sit back and watch (or participate, more often), but the transition seemed to happen really fast for me, and I wonder if it happened so fast for the students? But I guess it is better than suddenly leaving next week with no further explanation... although I might actually like that better, because I can stay busy right up until the end, the way I like to be. I think idleness is my enemy. (Hence the title of this post - I just made that discovery, right now, as I was writing this. That's pretty amazing.)

So my mind has been rather scattered in recent days, as I think you can see. My emotions are registering high on the Richter scale, and I'm not sure how to cope. Except to keep on living, and laughing, and loving.

I think it is really important to surround yourself with your blessings - do not allow yourself to forget the ways you are warm. And measure your life in love. Always, always, measure in love. In that way, I am very rich.

It is nearly unbelievable to think of how quickly this semester flew by. It feels like just yesterday, or at least last week, that I was jump starting my car on the first teacher workday, back on August 19th. Can you imagine! And to think of how much has happened between then and now...?

It seems that I have nothing cohesive to say, except for this:

I am blessed. Incredibly.

How can you sleep at a time like this unless the dreamer is the real you?

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.
Do not forsake the work of your hands."

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