Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today was a great day.

In the words of my bearded friend, "This is your day for astronomical odd-beating."

Let me tell you more.

This morning my co-op teacher was late. Well, while I was waiting in the auditorium, the power went out. In the whole school. And everyone went crazy - in a really fun way! So my morning started with a whole lotta playing and a whole lotta joy.

The power stayed out through first period, when I was being observed by my university supervisor (ha!) so we moved into the courtyard, where the students took a quiz and performed the first round of monologues - and I was very happy with the way they turned out! 6/29 down!

We were told to stay in first period until further notice, due to the electricity issue, but the lights came back on toward the end of first period. After that, I had my conference with my supervisor, received the last document I need to submit all of my work for the semester, and then before he left, he offered to help me get in contact with a friend who lives in my future city (to be disclosed at a later date! Stay tuned!) So this is encouraging!

In technical theatre class, I learned about a program called Show Ready, which allows you to play the accompaniment track for all of the music from a show, and you can even select which layers you want to hear - so, for example, you could play just your melody line, practice, then your melody with the piano, then add the alto line, etc. You could also play all of the parts except for your own (even if you are in the chorus!!) and practice your notes - this is everything that I have needed for all of my life!!!! I am so thrilled!!!!

In tech, I also started playing this silly game with one of my students - you have to make eye contact with someone, count to three, and spontaneously say the same word at the same time. I have played this game for a while, and obviously the chances of saying the same word with no prior information are extremely slim. And when I say extremely, I mean astronomically.

In Theatre II, we were missing two students, so I got to join in one of the Shakespeare sword fighting insult scenes, which was awesome!! And the power went off again. And everyone went crazy, and started shouting and running around, and spooning on the floor (what?) It was hilarious.



I tried to play the 1-2-3 game with the same student from tech, and we decided to narrow down the options by category so that we could possibly train ourselves to have the same brain. Well, it still didn't work - 


Another student came up to ask what we were doing. I said "On the count of three, say the same word as me. 1-2-3-SALTINE!"

WE BOTH SAID SALTINE. This has never happened - IN. MY. LIFE.

Addendum: Earlier, this same student and I made the same joke at the same time, and discovered we both love Fig Newtons!

This was a magical day. The odds - ASTRONOMICAL - and yet, it gets better.

On the way home, I decided to stop at the store to pick up a few things, so I moved to the right lane on the highway, where I passed a car that was pulled over on the side - I know, you are supposed to leave a lane between your car and the edge when that happens, but I had to exit. But then, I passed not one, not two, not three, but FOUR MORE CARS ON THE SIDE. All unrelated, all within the 2 1/4 miles between when I moved into the right lane and when I exited the highway! WHAT!

Then, I decided that naturally, I had to buy a lottery ticket. Unfortunately, I did not realize that tonight is the drawing, so I bought a scratch off ticket with my last two dollars - I did not know at the time that the actual lottery ticket costs $2, or I would have bought that, and I think I would have won. However, under astronomically unlikely circumstances, I missed this information, bought a scratch off ticket, and LOST! On my lucky day! What are the odds!

Then, thinking it couldn't get any more unlikely, I got home to find that a Christmas card I sent out had been chewed up in the mail and returned! How often does that happen? So I wrote a note about it, put it in a new envelope, and resent it. About that time, my mother returned home and said "I have something for you"....

AND IT WAS THIS DOUGHNUT. From Krispy Kreme, of all places!

I am in awe.
And delighted.
And still just mind-blown about the saltines.

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