Sunday, January 12, 2014

Expect the Unexpected

48 hours ago, I received a phone call letting me know that Invisible Children would not be able to offer my internship this semester.

48 hours before that, I was having a going away dinner with a few of my friends.

And now, I am sitting on the couch in the living room of the house where I grew up, after a gorgeous 5-mile run and a refreshing shower.

48 hours from now, there's no telling what might happen.

Life is a really strange thing. In a way, it is comforting to know that the plans we make for ourselves are just that - we can talk and talk but the truth is that we don't know what's to come any more than the next person does. And so, we learn to adapt, to be willing to say "yes" to opportunity, and to be free from expectation and uncertainty. And that is something I cannot complain about.

As for what comes next, I will tell you candidly that I have no idea. I plan to apply for the substitute teaching list in my county, and I am considering auditioning for a play. I've contact a few tutoring agencies about finding work, and have emailed one elementary school principal about a possible job opportunity. But the truth is, I just don't know. How long will I be in Raleigh? Will I ever leave my house? Should I start considering alternative options for housing? Should I be thinking about grad school? What can I actually commit to, when I can't even tell you what I'm having for dinner tonight?

But I am not disappointed. I am grateful. I am learning to take things day by day, facing each challenge as it comes. My parents have been incredibly gracious to let me stay in their house for free, and I am not at a loss for not being in San Diego. In fact, the weather here has been almost similar the last few days : )

God has His plans. I'm just here to follow them. And I am grateful.

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