Friday, January 31, 2014

From Student Teacher to Substitute Teacher - - ?

Hello, all.
These past few weeks since I found out I would not be going to California have been interesting, to say the least. I auditioned for a play, was cast, and began rehearsing. For this I am extremely thankful, although admittedly, equally overwhelmed. I have interviewed for several jobs and applied for what seems like a thousand. I was denied a long-term substitute teaching job at a middle school, and I was offered two jobs at an after school program. But what I intend to tell you in this post is that, if all goes as planned, I will soon be taking on the responsibility of teaching high school honors English III. You may be thinking to yourself, "WHAT?" and rest assured, I am having the same thoughts. I don't know how to teach English - do I? Probably not. But can I figure it out? Let's hope so.
So, how did this come to be? By the kindness of strangers, mostly. And who am I to deny such generosity and trust instilled in my ability to hold precious futures in the palm of my hands? Truly, I am terrified. Petrified, almost. Yes - I do mean petrified, almost to the point of losing the ability to move. I do not know what I want; I do not know what to do; I do not know if I am capable - but in the wise words of a gentle leader, "Let God be Your God." Who am I to think that this is all in my hands? Of course I am incapable of changing anything on my own. Of course I don't know how to teach English - I didn't study it. Of course I have no idea what I'm doing. And of course, given the opportunity, I will do it anyway. Because my hands are in the hands of the One who created it all.
At times like this, when my spirit is frayed with anxiety and fear, I must remember the Great Truth. 

Be still, Laura, and know that I am God.

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