Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Transition

Perhaps I should change the title of this blog to "Lessons from a Student/Teacher". Because I am constantly a student of one thing or another... the teacher part is questionable (at least until I get my certificate in the mail!) 

Anyway, let's talk about the great things that happened over this past semester:

1. Placement that allowed me to live at home
2. Amazing students
3. Number 2 really sums up a lot of things
4. Life-change
5. Not the summer anymore
6. Passed all 3 of my Praxis exams (received double certification in Theatre K-12 and English 7-12)
7. Graduated (actually passed)
8. Had a really cool university supervisor
9. Lived surrounded by a lot of love
10. Had a month of vacation.

And now, you may ask, now what? What comes next? Well here I am to tell you just that - on Saturday (THIS SATURDAY) I will be flying out to San Diego, California to begin an internship with Invisible Children. And I am terrified. But I'm not going to talk about the things that scare me (because doesn't that suggest a lack of trust?) Instead I am going to talk about the important things:

1. I am trying something new
2. I will explore a new city
3. I will meet new people
4. I will take a risk
5. I will learn to live away from home
6. I will work primarily with adults (this is new)
7. I will prepare for future risky and potentially terrifying adventures
8. I will learn to live with less
9. I will travel
10. I will not be alone.

Big things are happening. I would very much appreciate prayers and good thoughts sent this way as I prepare for this journey. I can't say much more right now, because the truth is that there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this next step, and I want to stay open to all possibilities of what is to come. Anticipation is a scary thing.

4 months. Here we go.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." [Jeremiah 29:11]

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