Monday, October 7, 2013

In which every day is a good day.

I'm sure I could say it a thousand times, and say it again, but I've been so blessed by my students - every time I say it, it remains just as true. They are so so great.

I love teaching, but I'm getting a little tired of student teaching... but I'll never get tired of these kiddos.

Today I played "Beautiful City" from the new cast recording of Godspell - this is quite possibly my very favorite musical theatre song ever in existance, and my students went CRAZY over it!!! I haven't seen them react like that to any of the songs so far... so many of them wanted to use it for their performance project - even the girls, but especially the boys!

I think I'm in love with them.

All of them.

Also, listen to this song if you don't know it - the version by Hunter Parrish.

"Out of the ruins and rubble,
Out of the smoke,
Out of our nightly struggle,
Can we see a ray of hope?
We can build a beautiful city,
Yes we can - yes we can,
We can build a beautiful city,
Not a city of angels,
But finally a city of man."

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