Thursday, October 17, 2013


Today I was contacted by parents twice. The first was via letter (the original snail mail)... this letter was not very nice. I will say that. The second was via email. The note was incredibly kind and humble, just a parent asking for some advice. I liked that a lot better.
Evidently student teaching is not all sunshine and roses.

I am reeeeally tired today. I mean, really tired. I don't know what's up with me, I'm beginning to feel cranky and impatient, and even entitled to be loved. Well, that's simply not the case. I have been lucky - truly blessed - to have classrooms full of awesome students who do their work and love the process. This does not always happen. Perhaps it rarely happens. And the stars have simply aligned in this process to put me in such a wonderful, nurturing place... and yet, this week I'm left wanting more.

Why? I'm not sure what is going on in my head, except, as I said before, I'm tired. I love teaching, I love my job, I LOVE my students, I love what I do. And yet, I want things to be easy. And the reality is, that in larger perspective, they are.

Please remind me to count my blessings.

"She loved so much that she feared."

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