Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Most Adventurous Day Of All

I had a crazy day.

It is possible that I've said those words previously in my life, but I truly believe that I never really knew the meaning of crazy before today!

This morning, first of all, I decided to wear a dress. This is the second time I've worn a dress to school. I also wore heels. This is the first time I've worn heels to school. My mother also got up early and made me coffee and grits. This is the first time this has happened as well.
So I left for school, obviously with no conception of what was about to happen next...

I successfully navigated 1st period essentially as I expected it to go. Then came second period, and here the world began to spin backward.

I have been working on my Impact project - five days to prove that I can impact student learning and am worthy of receiving my teaching certificate from the NC Department of Instruction - so this can be stressful. After the implementation of each day's lesson, I have to record some data and reflect on my teaching, which is exactly what I was about to do when a fox walked into the building.

Did you read that right?

Yes, yes you did.

A fox walked into the building. It's one of those things that seems like it couldn't possibly be true. I mean, I kept staring at it, thinking that maybe if I looked long enough, it would become a cat, as I kind of expected. Well, it didn't. It stayed a fox.

My teacher went out of the room, told the students to move away, and tried to coax the fox back out the door. I stayed in my chair, frozen, I think. This part is all kind of blurry. Well, a minute or so later, I saw the fox walk toward the office door. I don't remember if I stood up then, or if I was already standing.. I think I stood up then, as the fox began to walk toward me, and I instantly saw my life flash before my eyes, as well as my bloody fox-bitten ankles, which, thank the LORD were only a figment of my imagination. As I said, the fox started moving toward me, and I let out a loud YELP, and proceeded to dance a little do-si-do with the fox around the rolling office chair before he went under my desk and I went shooting out the door!

We closed the door, therefore trapping the fox inside the office, and as the administrators poured into the hall and called animal control, I attempted to process this amazing and terrifying experience!

Animal control arrived a little while later, so I hid in the theatre while they removed the fox. Then, I became terrified to touch anything, considering I'm a hypochondriac, and the fox had both a broken leg and some kind of disease, like distemper. WHAT THE HECK.

So, that happened.

And then the day went on.

And then fourth period came, and by that time all of my students had heard about this fox incident and wanted to hear the full story. Which I told them, and which they thought was just the funniest thing they had EVER heard.

And then the end of fourth period came, and my teacher went to work in her office, and I stayed in the theatre with the students for the last ten minutes of class... at which time one of my students came inside to tell me that blood was pouring out of another student's arm. Now, I'm obviously a weenie about foxes, but for some reason I turned into a superhero over this blood! (It really wasn't nearly as bad as she made it out to be, and we quickly cleaned it up and put a band-aid on it. Problem solved.)

Then rehearsal came, and everyone was crazy - especially when one of the lines was about fearing a fox. Yep, I'm never gonna live that one down.

Then after school, I found out my students also play "What Are The Odds," aka the funniest game in the world! Also a student asked if he can call me L.L.Vine (like L.L.Bean) and another student asked if she could call me L-Dawg..?

Then I came home. And immediately took a shower, because of the fox, and what did I find in the shower, but a GIANT BOOTY CRICKET! I trapped it, finished my shower, and then when I went to remove it, I also found a spider. Oooookay.

Then I checked outside the front door, and found my box of thirty brain-shaped stress balls, which I expected to arrive today, but also a package from Jesus. Seriously. It's in the return address. I haven't opened it yet.

Then I FINALLY learned how to use the can opener (can openers are my achilles heel), so I was able to make a burrito for dinner - AWESOME.

And this was my day. As I said, the Most Adventurous Day Of All.

I seriously love my life.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord! (Romans 8:38-39)

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