Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 12 (Week 3, Day 2!)

I have learned a lot this semester about the way that the Lord leads on paths of righteousness, paths that will bring glory to His name, should we follow them, and should we hold steadfast to His promises. I had a really really challenging summer - but I got through. This is something for another blog, but I know for sure that I was serving a greater purpose. Now, I am so, so thankful to be in a place where my heart feels secure. I am thankful to feel like I am on a path toward a meaningful future. I am grateful to feel the energy of what is to come. I am in-waiting for the conversations, the "aha moments", the overcoming of fear, the struggles, the joys, the growth. I am ready, I am waiting. I am thankful.
He guides me along the right paths    for his name’s sake. [Psalm 23]

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