Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 21, in which sleep-deprivation no longer matters

I haven't written a fully-fledged blog post in a while, so I suppose it is about time. 

I've been continuing to teach Theatre I (in fact, my teacher often doesn't even stay in the room any more). I'm still supporting in Tech Theatre (it's all practical stuff - building the set for the play, etc.) And today I began lead-teaching in Theatre II for their monologue project. Now, I work a little differently from my host teacher, so I've found that it's slightly more difficult to pick up the teaching load as the semester goes on, because the students are more and more accustomed to the way that their regular classroom teacher leads. Even so, I have some students in Theatre II who seemed to get a lot out of our activity today, and since they are working on monologues, it's really up to them to prepare well. It's not that I don't care if they're using their time wisely in class or not, it's just that they need to learn to be responsible and to manage their time so that the final product is something to be proud of.

I'm not sure if that's the wrong approach to teaching, but I think it's appropriate - they are high school students after all, they should be held accountable for keeping themselves on task, especially when I've given them a specific goal to accomplish by the end of the period.

We've moved into a Pantomime unit in Theatre I, and it has been going well so far, although today I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I had planned - that's alright, that's what tomorrow is for!

I've been working with the ensemble for the Fall Play, and although I'm still unsure of exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, I have enjoyed working with the students on a different level than we usually can within the confines of the classroom. They have been really great, and for the most part, totally willing to try whatever I throw at them... and I can be very abstract and right-brained, so that's saying a lot for them!

I had my first official observation on Monday, and I am humbled and incredibly grateful to say that it went very well. I got good feedback from my supervisor, and was encouraged to stay in the field of education. That was definitely good to hear - it is an unbelievably hard job, but to think that what I'm doing is worth it? To think that I am making a difference? That's big.

This week I had a student bake brownies for me, to thank me for coaching her for an audition (she got top 3!!) and I had a student tell me that she turned down an offer to sleep through first period, before her 9am dentist appointment - she didn't want to miss Theatre I because it's her favorite class. WOW.

And so, all in all, this has been a good week. (What? It's only Wednesday? Phew!)

..Wait, but I really just realized it's only Wednesday. Woah.

This weekend we have the North Carolina Theatre Educator's Conference, and it will be great to reconnect with some of my teacher-friends, and I'm THRILLED to be able to introduce my students to my friends!!!!! Seriously, proud momma over here.

This is a good job.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.

[Psalm 136:1]

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