Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 16, in which I experience success

Today began with Theatre I (as my days here often do).

This is a joke, because the schedule always starts the same way, but I don't want to say that my days always start with Theatre I, because, you know, once you say something is certain, it almost immediately becomes uncertain, reminding us that the amount of things we know is infinitely smaller than the amount of things we don't.

Anyway, today began with Theatre I, in which I was beginning to teach THE SLAP. Woah, I know, you're thinking why would anyone decide to teach 28 freshmen (mostly freshmen) to slap each other? Well, it's on my teacher's plan, so there you go.

Going into this, I was most certainly nervous because, uh, liability? I'm not even the real teacher! Well, we started with the basics (in-distance, out of distance, in-distance, out of distance, etc etc etc) Then we moved on to the knap, and then the victim's reaction to the slap. Of course, some students were goofing off, and some were not really paying attention, but I believe most of them were engaged or at least having fun! This is good.

And no one got hurt. This is even better.

After my lesson, my teacher told me that she thought it was my best one so far, because the students' energy was better, and they were engaged the whole time - not that they weren't necessarily before, but they were more actively involved, and more free to be loud! This was nice.

So I'd say that was a success - a bit of organized chaos, but a success.

Then, during homeroom I found out that the 8th grader who I had been coaching for an audition received a callback!! This is very exciting. He had been struggling, because he seems to love performing, but has a hard time releasing his inhibitions and just getting crazy! Well, his father asked me if I would be willing to help out, and I really enjoyed both of the times that we worked together. I am really proud to hear about his callback, which is always my first goal in an audition - beyond that, as long as he does his best this afternoon, I think he should be very pleased! I should be finding out the results soon - stay tuned!

Aside from that I don't have much new news - it is only 10:00am and I am writing this during my planning period, because it's hard to do homework. I'm caught up on all of my stuff as far as teaching this week goes, and I'm just working ahead for next week.

Procrastination is a habit that really does die hard.

I hope everyone has an awesome rest of the day! Did you know that I've been up and moving for 4 1/2 hours already? I bet some people are still sleeping, and will probably still be sleeping for another 2 hours! Woah.

God is always good.

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