Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lessons - Week 1

As of today, these are things I know:
-Teaching in pants is better than teaching in a skirt. You will move around on the floor.
-Bring snacks. Hunger sets in pretty quick when breakfast happens at 6am.
-It's okay to say "I don't know, but I can find out"
- Use your planning period. You may think you'll be able to work at home, but you definitely will not.
 -Be nice to people. Relationships are super important, in any field of work.
-DO NOT NAP. You will not be able to sleep at night!!
-Make yourself exercise. Make a plan. It's really hard to do it, but it makes you feel good.
-Love your students. Just live out your love for them. They will know it.
-You're automatically cool because you're in college. Stop worrying so much.
-And as always, these three rules apply: 
  •  Stay cool
  • Don't be a turd
  • And have fun!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day Seven, in which the first frustrations arise.

Hello, Blogosphere. Hello, readers. Hello, friends.

I'm in a silly mood because I am feeling very sleepy today. It is Tuesday, but it certainly doesn't feel that way. It feels a lot more like Thursday, which makes me super anxious about the work I need to turn in by Saturday night (or in this case, Thursday night, because I'm going to camp on Friday)... but in reality, I'm doing really well, and I'm pretty far ahead!

My teacher is a pretty last-minute planner, in fact, she decided what we would do in Tech class today approximately 10 minutes before tech class began. This makes it a bit difficult when I have to write my lesson plans a week in advance, and have them approved by her. But today, I asked what she wanted me to teach next week so I can get a head start on those (again, due Thursday night). I'm taking on Theatre I all by myself next week, and I am excited, but here is where the bit of frustration has begun to sink in:

I am so anxious to be a real teacher, to make my own syllabus and schedule and to design my own class, that it can be difficult and frustrating for me to follow her plans, while attempting to add my own twist on things. I have to fit into her unit titles, and arrange my lessons to fit hers, and I have her lesson plans (or lists, sort of), and she has been teaching this for thirteen years, so it seems that she has her assessments pretty much set... I know she is flexible, and she's told me that I can teach it any way I would like to, whatever I think will work best, but it is definitely a challenge to integrate my ideas with her ready-made plans.

I think that over time, this will sort itself out, especially when I start taking over Theatre I... except I'm not delivering the final assessment, because I'm done on December 11th, and their final is January 13th. I'm sure we'll figure out what to do, and she has had student teachers before, so I know it will be okay. It's just an interesting personality difference - my planning and organization versus her following what she has always done. She is still very organized and has things all worked out, but I'm bringing in new things, which I want to do, but which seems intimidating right now.

In any case, it's only the second day with students, and I'm already tired of observing and ready to jump right into the water - I'd say that's a good thing : )

I have to remember to be patient - I am still learning, after all. I am a student teacher. I need to remind myself of that fact daily.

I wonder if the students think I don't do anything - but, again, it's only the second day. I'm not supposed to do anything right now - except observe and work behind the scenes. It's interesting when most of my students have had classes with my teacher before, so I'm new - normally everyone is kind of new together, especially at the start of the year, but this is a bit different.

I think it will be okay.

I just want to know when I should jump in, when I should add to conversations, when I should take the lead and stop just watching... but, Laura, it's day two.

It's going to be okay.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. [Isaiah 26:3]

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day Six (Week 2, Day 1)

The counting reminds me of Running Mate. (If you haven't heard of this, you should definitely check it out,!)

Today was my first day with students - -

And it was awesome!

It actually went by really fast. This morning we had homeroom, then theatre I, which picked up all the exercises really quickly - I think they will be a good class. Then we had planning, in which I got pretty far on my homework for the week. After that was technical theatre, and we got a bunch of stuff inventoried, and the students seem to know what they're doing, or to be enrolled in other theatre classes, and so they must be in tech because they want to be there. Then, we had lunch - yummm - then Theatre II. In that class, the students all explained why they took Theatre II, and it was so awesome to hear them talk about what theatre means to them - I wish I could have it recorded and turn it in for my impact project!! It really encouraged me to hear this, and assured me that I am doing something that is important and meaningful.

That was definitely the hi-light of the day. After that, the day was over! I just worked in the office some more, and got some more homework done, and then came home, ate a cookie, which motivated me to go for a run, took a shower, and now here I am!

(Also my teacher told me that I don't need to wear pantyhose, and I can put my nose ring back in, because it's fine with everybody at my school. That's awesome.)

Oh, and I encouraged the chorus teacher to look into Chacos to help with her tendon problem in her foot - I should be a Chaco sales rep, I love these things so much. I think she's going to get some, and I really hope they help her. I like her a lot! I know it's only the first day (with students) but I could definitely see myself working at this school in the future.

Of course, like I said, it's day one.

We'll see where this goes... but so far, so GREAT!

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 
     He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, 

     he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake. [Psalm 23]

Friday, August 23, 2013

Day Five: Lessons in Humility

Today was the last teacher workday before students show up on Monday.
Today I received a Lesson Plan Book.
Today I completed my lecture notes for next Friday.
Today I attempted to move a 14-foot ladder by myself, and in the process managed to spill a bucket of water on a ton of electrical equipment.

Lessons from today:
It's okay to ask for help.
It's okay to appear incompetent.
It's okay to make mistakes.
But it really helps the last two items on this list when you remember the first one.

So, that was embarrassing. Plus, I've realized how little I know about technical theatre terms, and even though I know I can figure out how to do everything, and I'd be happy to sit in the theatre and work on a project by myself, I get really intimidated when my teacher is there, and I feel like she is going to think I'm not good enough - but I have to let this go!!

It is okay to mess up.
It is okay to fail.
We cannot grow if we do not change.

I am ready for students to come on Monday. I have some insecurities, but I think that I just need to be as much myself as possible. (It's way easier in some environments than others - I'm becoming increasingly thankful for camp and Boone as the days go by). If I'm nervous, or if I'm trying to hide, the students will know. And they won't like me. Why should I hold back simply because I'm a student teacher? In fact, I should take advantage of the fact that I'm a student teacher - it means I get to try new things, to try things and fail miserably, and get back up on my feet and try again.


I will be BOLD.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to: Seeing Sam

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. [Hebrews 12: 1-2]

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day Four, Y'all!

I cannot explain why, because I do not know, but I have this desire within me to pretend that I am super country. Like, for my students. On the first day. Would that be funny or weird? Only time will tell...

Today was day 4! Can you believe it? It feels like a time-warp, kind of. It almost feels like I've been doing this for a lifetime! I wonder if the semester will fly by?

Today we had county-wide departmental meetings, and mine was at my old high school! It was pretty cool to see the support from central office, and to be in an auditorium full of people who are passionate about the arts in education, just like I am. I still feel like I'm in sort of a weird position as a student teacher, I almost envy the people who have been doing this for 15 or 20 years! But everyone has to student teach first, in order to be a real teacher later, so I'm sure they understand.

I was so happy to see my old theatre teacher, and our former student teacher who is now working at the school, and even my old tech teacher! So crazy!! It was a joy to be in a room full of high school theatre teachers from all across the county - interesting to be on the other side of things! The fellowship and community among them seems really cool.

I also met the Senior Administrator for Arts Education in the county, and she remembered me from when I was performing in high school!! THAT WAS AMAZING. And she asked me if I'm thinking of staying in the county after student teaching, and started talking about possible openings in theatre positions starting in January. I am so blessed to have this kind of support!!!

After the meeting, we went back to my high school and continued to work to prepare for Monday. I'm not sure what we're doing in theatre II and tech on the first day, but I guess we'll figure it out? My teacher doesn't have super detailed or specific lesson plans like I probably will, but she's also been teaching for thirteen years, so I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Plus, she is well-respected by other educators in the county. I definitely got a good placement : )

Since the school was less busy today, I got more time to talk to my teacher, and I think we will get along really well. It was nice to actually talk, not so much about business stuff, but just to get to know her a little better. It's going to be a good semester.

I also started making lecture notes for my first lesson next week! Eek! Monday is coming really soon.

My biggest lesson today: be BOLD! I've been pretty shy this week, and it can be intimidating to be a newbie around lots of experienced educators, but we each bring something to the table - they have their experience, and I have a ton of energy and hope!

I am most looking forward to: the weekend : )

1 Corinthians 12:
12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[d]? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ode To The Drama Teacher

And as you stand there: Aghast
Because we’re three days from Opening Night and
Ado Annie still doesn’t know her lines and
The Dream Ballet is a Nightmare and
The Light Board Op just got Detention…
Let us now praise You.
You, the Permanently Fatigued.
You, the Loyal-to-the-Point-of-Self-Neglect.
You, the Keeper of a Thousand-and-Eleventeen Secret Dreams.
You are the one who makes it all Look So Easy.
Who would have expected that the most important Skill you learned getting your BA
Was Juggling?
Juggling Paperwork and Personalities and oh, right – weren’t you supposed to have a
Private Life around here somewhere?
But even though you are Sick to Death of
Spoon River Anthology
You still puddle up every time you hear
There’s A Place For Us
No matter how Off-Key.
And while you still remember when you Brought the House Down in
You now love This House.
You have created a House where any child – no matter how Flamboyant, no matter how Shy –
Can embrace their Inner Ethel Merman (and thanks to those English 101 classes you now must teach, you are keenly aware that using “their” in the previous sentence is increasingly considered correct and honestly, it’s really the only sensible answer as writing “his or her” is as damaging to poetry as the participle that dangles.)
And you have created a House where any child – no matter how Flamboyant, no matter how Shy – can dive straight to the Deepest, Darkest, Quietest corner of human suffering and bring a room of teenagers – and yes, you, too – to silent tears.
You have made a Home for the Misunderstood
A Family for the Misfit and a
Safe Spot to land no matter how bad The Mid-Terms are.
Because despite all the Budget Cuts and
The Paperwork and
The Meetings about the Meeting to Schedule the Meetings and
The Truancies and
The Parents
Dear God The Parents and
Did we mention The Paperwork?
Nothing on this Green Earth compares to watching a group of kids
Learn the true meaning of Ensemble.
And nothing compares to the pure joy of watching The Ones whom you knew would Eventually Get It
Finally. Really. Get It.
And nothing nothing nothing compares to The Confidences shared in low tones as they seek you out in Your Office,
The Choir Room
The Front Seat of the Van on the way home from Fullerton.
You aren’t teaching Drama.
You are teaching Life
Which we all know is a Comedy – a Chekhovian Comedy – but a Comedy nonetheless.
And you aren’t teaching Choreography
You are teaching them to Dance.
And you aren’t teaching them how to be a Character.
You are teaching them how to be Themselves.
So here’s to you –
Making room for Art in a world that seems to have no room for Art
(Because, by the way, that room has been repurposed as the new Standardized Test Prep Center – you don’t mind rehearsing outside, do you?)
And here’s to you –
Scrounging around for new shows that somehow match the sets you already have
Because some Genius on the School Board has
Recently Announced that not only can you not perform Huckleberry Finn
Or Anouilh’s Antigone (probably because he couldn’t pronounce it) and
Given the flap over the
Scene from M. Butterfly last year, I guess
March of the Falsettos and The Vagina Monologues are
Out of the Question for the Spring
So Oh Dear God it looks like it’s going to be
Arsenic And Old Lace one more blessed time.
But that’s OK
I love Arsenic And Old Lace.
So here’s to you –
Making room for another Coffee Mug with those damn masks on them
Making room in the Chorus for Just One More
Making room for each and every child
To Be
© 2011 Samantha Bennett
Created especially for the CETA (California Educational Theatre Association) Conference, Asilomar, CA, October 21-23, 2011

Day Three - The Real Deal

I'm sure it's the same way with a lot of things, but I've realized today that while student teaching remains a shiny, new, exciting, amazing opportunity, it quickly also becomes your job. And part of that job is to be the student-teacher. Not the classroom teacher. So, sometimes this means sitting around and not knowing what to do. Sometimes, maybe, this means finding things to do, when in reality you have no idea what you got yourself into. And sometimes, it probably means jumping off the deep end, and just winging every moment of your day.

I definitely like to be somewhat in control. I'm a leader, and to be put in a position where I have to be strictly a follower (at least for right now), well, that's a challenge! I want to know exactly what I'm supposed to do. I don't like to have down-time during teacher workdays when I'm just kind of getting ahead on random tasks that I need to complete sometime in the next 15 weeks. But, this is part of my job.

It's also interesting to be around other teachers, because I don't feel like a co-worker, but more of an intern, and I'm hoping hoping hoping that this will change as the semester goes on. I want to be a real teacher! I want to have my own classroom, and I want to be in charge of my schedule and my lessons. But, the time for this will come. So today's lesson - be patient. Learn how to wait.

All that aside, today was another good day - I'm pretty sure every day in the classroom will ultimately be a good day. I truly feel like this is where I'm supposed to be, which is pretty awesome. I'm looking forward to having opportunities to actually practice my work, to be in front of students actually teaching. Today we organized the theatre (our classroom), worked on lessons for theatre II, I was assigned a lecture to deliver next Friday (!!), met with my university supervisor (he's super nice), and learned how to use an i-television - also really cool.

Tomorrow we begin the day at my old high school with a bunch of meetings for the arts educators in the county. I'm really excited about this!! Then we'll go back to my school after lunch and continue working in the theatre.

More to come later, for now I just wanna play sudoku : ) I couldn't run today because a storm was coming in, but I did get an awesome opportunity to talk to a friend on the phone. We had a great conversation, which was super encouraging to me, and he, perhaps unintentionally, reminded me of some big truths about our God. We are not always comfortable, and we are not always happy, and sometimes we have every reason in the world to fear... but God disciplines those He loves. And so, it is good. I'm so thankful for our conversation today.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to: visiting my old high school and meeting the other arts teachers!

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

[Psalm 34:8]

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day Two... Love Your Work

Today I had no meetings.
Let me say that again.
Today I had no meetings.
What the heck is a teacher workday, anyway? (More to come about that later)

Today I got up on time (though veeery sleepy! Too much 30 Rock last night?) I picked out my outfit from my outer-closet selections (still the best idea I've had all week), put on my makeup, did my hair, ate breakfast at home (no free breakfast today - and it's surprisingly difficult to be hungry at 6:45am), got my things together, got in my car, and - - - IT STARTED! Hooray!!! My sweet dad stayed to make sure I made it out of the driveway, and then we both headed off to work.

Traffic was easy this morning as well, I found my new parking space with no trouble, and I made my way into the building. My teacher was not there yet, so I wandered up to the front office and asked about getting my ID card made. The woman who makes them was not there yet, so I wandered around a bit more before making my way back to my shared office (I've got to start thinking of it that way, I guess it is partially mine, at least for these 15 weeks!) My teacher was there at that point, and I met one of her former students... this is a theme of the day, I met a lot of students and parents.

We pretty much spent the entire day in the office, aside from a venture to the media center to get my computer hooked up to the school network

Side story about this - the media specialist saw the desktop background on my computer (see below) and after talking a little bit about Uganda, she asked if the man in the photo is my husband--!! I, perhaps too quickly, laughed and said no, assuring her that I am not married! Strange to think that I could be. Maybe I don't blend in with the high schoolers as much as I thought.
 So, we ventured out to the media center, as I was saying, and to the copy office - there is an entire room dedicated to making copies... an office assistant's dream!! Elaine, if you're reading this, we need it. The copier in there was the biggest I've ever seen! And someone's job is school copier. Like, there is not only an entire room dedicated to copying, but an entire POSITION. What!

Aside from that, we worked in the office... I watched my training videos, added holidays and early release days to the calendar, and worked on my assignments for College of Ed. We also spent part of the day working on lesson plans for next week, and researching plays that we could possibly produce this Fall. The one we had been looking out was a little too... hmm... maybe not conservative enough for the high school. But a great play! Nonetheless, we had to go to another plan, and hopefully the one we ordered today will work out. It sounds really cool and kinda artsy and experimental - right up my alley!

I decided which week I will teach my focus unit in class - the week of October 7th! - and I started looking through some ideas and paperwork that I can use in my lessons... last fall my former high school drama teacher taught that unit. I feel super encouraged by looking through her notes, and remembering the majority of it, and I even feel pretty confident about teaching it in a few weeks!

Oh, and I did get my ID card made today - pretty exciting, kinda like the DMV! You get it right on the spot! I also had lunch with my co-op, the chorus teacher, and a history teacher who was really cool. I enjoyed spending time with them, they're pretty funny and easy to talk to.

So, as I was saying earlier about workdays, it seems like the teachers kind of have ideas of what needs to get done, but it's not as structured as a school day, and I'm not the head teacher, so it can be a little boring, but I'm thankful that I could get a head start on some of my work and planning. That's what I mean by "Love Your Work" - it may not always be fast-paced and exciting, but if you love it, it doesn't matter. And, as weird as it may be, I actually love lesson-planning.

After school, I picked up my dry cleaning like a grown-up, and then came home and immediately went out for a run in the beautiful (yet humid) weather! It was my first run since June, although I'd been pretty active all summer at camp, and I was proud of myself for going exactly as far as I had planned, about a mile and a half. If I bring snacks to eat a bit later at school, I think I'll be able to start running further. My goal for the end of the year is a 10k! I got up to 5 miles back in May, so I think I can do it.

I still miss Boone, and it's weird not being in classes and preparing for auditions - the shows and directors this semester are amazing! But I do feel like it's right for me to be here, teaching, right now. God is good!

Tomorrow I'm most looking forward to... a staff social after school!

The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory!" [Psalm 29:9]

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day One.. and so it begins!

This is me after completing my first-first day of student teaching... happy as a clam!

Granted, today was only a teacher workday (hence the first-first day - the second-first day comes when the students show up!). Even so, I've learned a lot. Most importantly (and most influentially) - humility is awesome! So, the day started off just right, I got up on time, I did my hair and makeup, I'd already picked out my outfit...

(Check this out, this is my brilliant idea for the semester: pick out 5 outfits after doing laundry on the weekend, hang them up outside the closet, and in the morning you can go "shopping" from a significantly less overwhelming pool of possibilities!)

As I was saying, I'd already picked out the perfect outfit, and I was ready to leave the house, lunch (triscuits, cucumbers, and peppers with hummus, watermelon, and mixed nuts with raisins) in hand, when the first setback of the day hit me like a ton of bricks - my car wouldn't start. Not even close. For the second time in three weeks. Oops.

Praise the Lord that my dad was still home! Without an ounce of panic, I got out my AAA card, emailed my teacher and supervisor, and searched the garage for jumper cables. Luckily we were able to jump the car and I was back on my way! After driving on the new toll road for the first time in my life, I made it to the school, found staff parking (staff!) and managed to make my way to the cafeteria simply by following the signs! (Whose idea was that? Brilliant.)

The day began (or so it continued) with a free breakfast from the PTA. In line, I met a German teacher who seems really nice, and I joined some women at their table. A few of them were new as well, and all of them were really sweet, talking about some funny experiences they have had with parents! Finally, I found my teacher and went to join her and the other fine arts educators at their table. My co-op teacher was super sweet about introducing me to everyone, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many teachers are actually alumni of the high school! That's super encouraging, it seems like an awesome environment. I even met the new PE teacher who graduated from the school, went to college and grad school, and then came back - and his mother is the media specialist! Pretty great.

I did meet a guy who was kind of discouraging about going into the field of education right now, and rightfully so, but after an interestingly intense discussion, we managed to agree that if you love teaching, it doesn't matter. Nobody goes into it for the money, after all.

The morning was full of meetings and training (yesss, things to add to my Professional Development Record), followed by a tour of the theatre, and lunch. Then, for the afternoon my co-op and I hung out in our office (!!) working on letters and contracts to send home on Monday, and discussing plans for the semester. I even introduced her to SMS polls, and we set one up to use in Theatre I on the first day of class - I hope it works!

All in all, the day was really super fantastic, and I already feel more comfortable about students coming! I have a lot to do to prepare, and some homework for tonight (oof, I need a to-do list) but I managed to navigate the parking lot, campus, and the day :D

For tomorrow, I am most looking forward to: Getting my Staff ID card!!

Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. [Acts 14:17]