Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day Three - The Real Deal

I'm sure it's the same way with a lot of things, but I've realized today that while student teaching remains a shiny, new, exciting, amazing opportunity, it quickly also becomes your job. And part of that job is to be the student-teacher. Not the classroom teacher. So, sometimes this means sitting around and not knowing what to do. Sometimes, maybe, this means finding things to do, when in reality you have no idea what you got yourself into. And sometimes, it probably means jumping off the deep end, and just winging every moment of your day.

I definitely like to be somewhat in control. I'm a leader, and to be put in a position where I have to be strictly a follower (at least for right now), well, that's a challenge! I want to know exactly what I'm supposed to do. I don't like to have down-time during teacher workdays when I'm just kind of getting ahead on random tasks that I need to complete sometime in the next 15 weeks. But, this is part of my job.

It's also interesting to be around other teachers, because I don't feel like a co-worker, but more of an intern, and I'm hoping hoping hoping that this will change as the semester goes on. I want to be a real teacher! I want to have my own classroom, and I want to be in charge of my schedule and my lessons. But, the time for this will come. So today's lesson - be patient. Learn how to wait.

All that aside, today was another good day - I'm pretty sure every day in the classroom will ultimately be a good day. I truly feel like this is where I'm supposed to be, which is pretty awesome. I'm looking forward to having opportunities to actually practice my work, to be in front of students actually teaching. Today we organized the theatre (our classroom), worked on lessons for theatre II, I was assigned a lecture to deliver next Friday (!!), met with my university supervisor (he's super nice), and learned how to use an i-television - also really cool.

Tomorrow we begin the day at my old high school with a bunch of meetings for the arts educators in the county. I'm really excited about this!! Then we'll go back to my school after lunch and continue working in the theatre.

More to come later, for now I just wanna play sudoku : ) I couldn't run today because a storm was coming in, but I did get an awesome opportunity to talk to a friend on the phone. We had a great conversation, which was super encouraging to me, and he, perhaps unintentionally, reminded me of some big truths about our God. We are not always comfortable, and we are not always happy, and sometimes we have every reason in the world to fear... but God disciplines those He loves. And so, it is good. I'm so thankful for our conversation today.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to: visiting my old high school and meeting the other arts teachers!

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

[Psalm 34:8]

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