Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day Two... Love Your Work

Today I had no meetings.
Let me say that again.
Today I had no meetings.
What the heck is a teacher workday, anyway? (More to come about that later)

Today I got up on time (though veeery sleepy! Too much 30 Rock last night?) I picked out my outfit from my outer-closet selections (still the best idea I've had all week), put on my makeup, did my hair, ate breakfast at home (no free breakfast today - and it's surprisingly difficult to be hungry at 6:45am), got my things together, got in my car, and - - - IT STARTED! Hooray!!! My sweet dad stayed to make sure I made it out of the driveway, and then we both headed off to work.

Traffic was easy this morning as well, I found my new parking space with no trouble, and I made my way into the building. My teacher was not there yet, so I wandered up to the front office and asked about getting my ID card made. The woman who makes them was not there yet, so I wandered around a bit more before making my way back to my shared office (I've got to start thinking of it that way, I guess it is partially mine, at least for these 15 weeks!) My teacher was there at that point, and I met one of her former students... this is a theme of the day, I met a lot of students and parents.

We pretty much spent the entire day in the office, aside from a venture to the media center to get my computer hooked up to the school network

Side story about this - the media specialist saw the desktop background on my computer (see below) and after talking a little bit about Uganda, she asked if the man in the photo is my husband--!! I, perhaps too quickly, laughed and said no, assuring her that I am not married! Strange to think that I could be. Maybe I don't blend in with the high schoolers as much as I thought.
 So, we ventured out to the media center, as I was saying, and to the copy office - there is an entire room dedicated to making copies... an office assistant's dream!! Elaine, if you're reading this, we need it. The copier in there was the biggest I've ever seen! And someone's job is school copier. Like, there is not only an entire room dedicated to copying, but an entire POSITION. What!

Aside from that, we worked in the office... I watched my training videos, added holidays and early release days to the calendar, and worked on my assignments for College of Ed. We also spent part of the day working on lesson plans for next week, and researching plays that we could possibly produce this Fall. The one we had been looking out was a little too... hmm... maybe not conservative enough for the high school. But a great play! Nonetheless, we had to go to another plan, and hopefully the one we ordered today will work out. It sounds really cool and kinda artsy and experimental - right up my alley!

I decided which week I will teach my focus unit in class - the week of October 7th! - and I started looking through some ideas and paperwork that I can use in my lessons... last fall my former high school drama teacher taught that unit. I feel super encouraged by looking through her notes, and remembering the majority of it, and I even feel pretty confident about teaching it in a few weeks!

Oh, and I did get my ID card made today - pretty exciting, kinda like the DMV! You get it right on the spot! I also had lunch with my co-op, the chorus teacher, and a history teacher who was really cool. I enjoyed spending time with them, they're pretty funny and easy to talk to.

So, as I was saying earlier about workdays, it seems like the teachers kind of have ideas of what needs to get done, but it's not as structured as a school day, and I'm not the head teacher, so it can be a little boring, but I'm thankful that I could get a head start on some of my work and planning. That's what I mean by "Love Your Work" - it may not always be fast-paced and exciting, but if you love it, it doesn't matter. And, as weird as it may be, I actually love lesson-planning.

After school, I picked up my dry cleaning like a grown-up, and then came home and immediately went out for a run in the beautiful (yet humid) weather! It was my first run since June, although I'd been pretty active all summer at camp, and I was proud of myself for going exactly as far as I had planned, about a mile and a half. If I bring snacks to eat a bit later at school, I think I'll be able to start running further. My goal for the end of the year is a 10k! I got up to 5 miles back in May, so I think I can do it.

I still miss Boone, and it's weird not being in classes and preparing for auditions - the shows and directors this semester are amazing! But I do feel like it's right for me to be here, teaching, right now. God is good!

Tomorrow I'm most looking forward to... a staff social after school!

The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory!" [Psalm 29:9]

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