Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day Seven, in which the first frustrations arise.

Hello, Blogosphere. Hello, readers. Hello, friends.

I'm in a silly mood because I am feeling very sleepy today. It is Tuesday, but it certainly doesn't feel that way. It feels a lot more like Thursday, which makes me super anxious about the work I need to turn in by Saturday night (or in this case, Thursday night, because I'm going to camp on Friday)... but in reality, I'm doing really well, and I'm pretty far ahead!

My teacher is a pretty last-minute planner, in fact, she decided what we would do in Tech class today approximately 10 minutes before tech class began. This makes it a bit difficult when I have to write my lesson plans a week in advance, and have them approved by her. But today, I asked what she wanted me to teach next week so I can get a head start on those (again, due Thursday night). I'm taking on Theatre I all by myself next week, and I am excited, but here is where the bit of frustration has begun to sink in:

I am so anxious to be a real teacher, to make my own syllabus and schedule and to design my own class, that it can be difficult and frustrating for me to follow her plans, while attempting to add my own twist on things. I have to fit into her unit titles, and arrange my lessons to fit hers, and I have her lesson plans (or lists, sort of), and she has been teaching this for thirteen years, so it seems that she has her assessments pretty much set... I know she is flexible, and she's told me that I can teach it any way I would like to, whatever I think will work best, but it is definitely a challenge to integrate my ideas with her ready-made plans.

I think that over time, this will sort itself out, especially when I start taking over Theatre I... except I'm not delivering the final assessment, because I'm done on December 11th, and their final is January 13th. I'm sure we'll figure out what to do, and she has had student teachers before, so I know it will be okay. It's just an interesting personality difference - my planning and organization versus her following what she has always done. She is still very organized and has things all worked out, but I'm bringing in new things, which I want to do, but which seems intimidating right now.

In any case, it's only the second day with students, and I'm already tired of observing and ready to jump right into the water - I'd say that's a good thing : )

I have to remember to be patient - I am still learning, after all. I am a student teacher. I need to remind myself of that fact daily.

I wonder if the students think I don't do anything - but, again, it's only the second day. I'm not supposed to do anything right now - except observe and work behind the scenes. It's interesting when most of my students have had classes with my teacher before, so I'm new - normally everyone is kind of new together, especially at the start of the year, but this is a bit different.

I think it will be okay.

I just want to know when I should jump in, when I should add to conversations, when I should take the lead and stop just watching... but, Laura, it's day two.

It's going to be okay.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. [Isaiah 26:3]

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