Monday, August 26, 2013

Day Six (Week 2, Day 1)

The counting reminds me of Running Mate. (If you haven't heard of this, you should definitely check it out,!)

Today was my first day with students - -

And it was awesome!

It actually went by really fast. This morning we had homeroom, then theatre I, which picked up all the exercises really quickly - I think they will be a good class. Then we had planning, in which I got pretty far on my homework for the week. After that was technical theatre, and we got a bunch of stuff inventoried, and the students seem to know what they're doing, or to be enrolled in other theatre classes, and so they must be in tech because they want to be there. Then, we had lunch - yummm - then Theatre II. In that class, the students all explained why they took Theatre II, and it was so awesome to hear them talk about what theatre means to them - I wish I could have it recorded and turn it in for my impact project!! It really encouraged me to hear this, and assured me that I am doing something that is important and meaningful.

That was definitely the hi-light of the day. After that, the day was over! I just worked in the office some more, and got some more homework done, and then came home, ate a cookie, which motivated me to go for a run, took a shower, and now here I am!

(Also my teacher told me that I don't need to wear pantyhose, and I can put my nose ring back in, because it's fine with everybody at my school. That's awesome.)

Oh, and I encouraged the chorus teacher to look into Chacos to help with her tendon problem in her foot - I should be a Chaco sales rep, I love these things so much. I think she's going to get some, and I really hope they help her. I like her a lot! I know it's only the first day (with students) but I could definitely see myself working at this school in the future.

Of course, like I said, it's day one.

We'll see where this goes... but so far, so GREAT!

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 
     He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, 

     he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake. [Psalm 23]

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