Monday, August 19, 2013

Day One.. and so it begins!

This is me after completing my first-first day of student teaching... happy as a clam!

Granted, today was only a teacher workday (hence the first-first day - the second-first day comes when the students show up!). Even so, I've learned a lot. Most importantly (and most influentially) - humility is awesome! So, the day started off just right, I got up on time, I did my hair and makeup, I'd already picked out my outfit...

(Check this out, this is my brilliant idea for the semester: pick out 5 outfits after doing laundry on the weekend, hang them up outside the closet, and in the morning you can go "shopping" from a significantly less overwhelming pool of possibilities!)

As I was saying, I'd already picked out the perfect outfit, and I was ready to leave the house, lunch (triscuits, cucumbers, and peppers with hummus, watermelon, and mixed nuts with raisins) in hand, when the first setback of the day hit me like a ton of bricks - my car wouldn't start. Not even close. For the second time in three weeks. Oops.

Praise the Lord that my dad was still home! Without an ounce of panic, I got out my AAA card, emailed my teacher and supervisor, and searched the garage for jumper cables. Luckily we were able to jump the car and I was back on my way! After driving on the new toll road for the first time in my life, I made it to the school, found staff parking (staff!) and managed to make my way to the cafeteria simply by following the signs! (Whose idea was that? Brilliant.)

The day began (or so it continued) with a free breakfast from the PTA. In line, I met a German teacher who seems really nice, and I joined some women at their table. A few of them were new as well, and all of them were really sweet, talking about some funny experiences they have had with parents! Finally, I found my teacher and went to join her and the other fine arts educators at their table. My co-op teacher was super sweet about introducing me to everyone, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many teachers are actually alumni of the high school! That's super encouraging, it seems like an awesome environment. I even met the new PE teacher who graduated from the school, went to college and grad school, and then came back - and his mother is the media specialist! Pretty great.

I did meet a guy who was kind of discouraging about going into the field of education right now, and rightfully so, but after an interestingly intense discussion, we managed to agree that if you love teaching, it doesn't matter. Nobody goes into it for the money, after all.

The morning was full of meetings and training (yesss, things to add to my Professional Development Record), followed by a tour of the theatre, and lunch. Then, for the afternoon my co-op and I hung out in our office (!!) working on letters and contracts to send home on Monday, and discussing plans for the semester. I even introduced her to SMS polls, and we set one up to use in Theatre I on the first day of class - I hope it works!

All in all, the day was really super fantastic, and I already feel more comfortable about students coming! I have a lot to do to prepare, and some homework for tonight (oof, I need a to-do list) but I managed to navigate the parking lot, campus, and the day :D

For tomorrow, I am most looking forward to: Getting my Staff ID card!!

Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. [Acts 14:17]

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